Clark Smith
Sales Director of a Trading Company
Clark is a businessman that works in a trading company, and his title is sales director. He only sleeps four hours every day, and he works hard every time. He got married three years ago, but he still didn't go to any other country with his wife, so his largest dream is to explore a new area and culture with his wife.
His wife's favorite magazine is National Geographic, becasue she likes to explore new culture and new area.
He likes to watch Discovery, becasue he can study many di erent new knowledges from it.
He has been to many other countries with his father, becasue his father was a English teacher.
He need to work on weekend, becasue he have too many works need to finish.
He is trying to earn more money for his family, becasue he plan to have a baby with his wife.
He chose to live in San Francisco with his wife, becasue it's a multicultural city.
He has lots of friends who come from di erent countries, becasue he likes to explore di erent culture.