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Muscle Gain
Support App


The App Purpose

Gainer focuses on eating healthier and working out to support people getting stronger. It allows users to gain more muscle by two functions: meal plan and working out.


The Target Audience

The target audience gives information about his life so we can understand what his primary requirements are and the product can be designed as a useful and functional app based on the audience’s need.

Jason | Engineer

Jason is an engineer who works in a tech company. He spends most of his time sitting on a chair and doesn’t work out often (3 times per week), but he eats salad ( around 600 cal ) every day because he thinks that good for his health. Jason is 27 years old, but still a single. He is 143 lb, his dream is to become a strong 170 lb, but he doesn’t know how to achieve his goal.

The Key Numbers


Site Map

Clear and logical flow is the main goal in this redesign with the sitemap as the most important process for the site. Three types of target audiences can easily and effortlessly find their pages.


Visual Design

The interface is designed by a logical structure so that users can have an unobstructed user flow. Visually, the most important information is highlighted with a bright color so that the interface can send well-designed visual hierarchy content to users.